
Is Conglomerate A Metamorphic Rock

Conglomerate is a clastic sedimentary stone that shaped from rounded gravel and boulder sized clasts cemented or in a matrix supperted. The rounding of the clasts show that rocks have been transported a long way from their source or on a seaside tide to moving ridge movement. The clast cement is usually calcite, silica or atomic number 26 oxide but the matrix can consist only of the cementing material, however can also include sand and / or silt sized clasts cemented together the various coarser clasts.

Course: Conglomerate may be divided into large lessons:

Texture: Clastic (fibroid-grained).

Grain size: > 2mm; Clasts hands visible to the naked centre, should be identifiable.

Hardness: Soft to hard, dependent on clast composition and strength of cement.

Colour: variable, dependent on clast and matrix composition.

Clasts: variable, but by and large harder rock types and / or minerals dominate.

Other features: Clasts generally smooth to touch, matrix variable.

Nomenclature of Conglomerate

Conglomerates named and classifield by the

  1. Type and amount of matrix nowadays
  2. Limerick of gravel-size clasts they contain
  3. Size range of gravel-size clasts present

A sedimentary rock consisting mainly of gravel is get-go named co-ordinate to the roundness of the gravel. If the gravel clasts that class it are well-rounded to subrounded, to a big extent, it is a conglomerate. If the pebble clips forming it are largely angular, it is a breccia. Such breccias may be chosen sedimentary breccias to distinguish them from other breccia types.

  1. The amount and chemical limerick of the matrix. If the clasts practise not touch each other (lots of matrix), the rock is paraconglomerate. Rock in which the clasts touch each other is called orthoconglomerate.
  2. The composition of the clasts. If all the clasts are the aforementioned type of rock or mineral), the rock is categorized equally monomictic conglomerate. If the clasts are fabricated up of 2 or more than rocks or minerals, the rock is a polymictic conglomerate.
  3. The size of the clasts. Rock comprised of large clasts is cobble conglomerate. If the clasts are pebble-sized, the rock is called pebble conglomerate. If the clasts are minor granules, the rock is called granule conglomerate.

The environment that deposited the fabric. Conglomerates may form from glacial, alluvial, fluvial, deepwater marine, or shallow marine environments.

Conglomerate Composition

Conglomerate tin can have a multifariousness of compositions. Every bit a clastic sedimentary rock, it tin comprise clasts of any rock fabric or weathering production that is done downstream or down current. The rounded clasts of conglomerate tin be mineral particles such as quartz, or they can be sedimentary, metamorphic, or igneous rock fragments. The matrix that binds the large clasts together can be a mixture of sand, mud, and chemical cement.


Conglomerate tin be formed at an areas where potent water current exist like mountain downwards slope where water has enough current flow that it can carry the rock fragments above 2 millimetre. Information technology tin can also be formed at beaches where water current is strong and stone fragments are available to be accumulated for forming conglomerate. Conglomerate is formed when large clast pebble or cobble size fragments transported and deposited than the effectively grained fills the spaces in between the clast.

Where is it plant

Conglomerates are deposited in diverse sedimentary environments.

Deepwater marine

In turbidites, the basal part of a bed is typically coarse-grained and sometimes conglomeratic. In this setting, conglomerates are normally very well sorted, well-rounded and oftentimes with a potent A-axis type imbrication of the clasts.

Shallow marine

Conglomerates are ordinarily present at the base of sequences laid down during marine transgressions above an unconformity, and are known as basal conglomerates. They represent the position of the shoreline at a particular fourth dimension and are diachronous.


Conglomerates deposited in fluvial environments are typically well rounded and well sorted. Clasts of this size are carried equally bedload and only at times of high flow-rate. The maximum clast size decreases as the clasts are transported farther due to compunction, and then conglomerates are more than feature of immature river systems. In the sediments deposited by mature rivers, conglomerates are more often than not confined to the basal office of a aqueduct fill where they are known equally pebble lags. Conglomerates deposited in a fluvial surroundings oft have an AB-plane type imbrication.


Alluvial deposits grade in areas of loftier relief and are typically coarse-grained. At mountain fronts private alluvial fans merge to course braidplains and these ii environments are associated with the thickest deposits of conglomerates. The majority of conglomerates deposited in this setting are clast-supported with a potent AB-plane imbrication. Matrix-supported conglomerates, as a result of debris-flow deposition, are quite commonly associated with many alluvial fans. When such conglomerates accumulate within an alluvial fan, in chop-chop eroding (e.g., desert) environments, the resulting rock unit is often chosen a fanglomerate.


Glaciers acquit a lot of coarse-grained fabric and many glacial deposits are conglomeratic. Tillites, the sediments deposited directly by a glacier, are typically poorly sorted, matrix-supported conglomerates. The matrix is generally fine-grained, consisting of finely milled rock fragments. Waterlaid deposits associated with glaciers are often conglomeratic, forming structures such as eskers.

Characteristics and Properties

Conglomerate is a sedimentary rock that looks like concrete. Information technology consists of big, rounded pebbles (clasts) cemented by a matrix made of calcite, iron oxide, or silica.

Conglomerate rock occurs where gravel tin become rounded past traveling distances or being subjected to tumbling. Beaches, riverbeds, and glaciers tin can produce conglomerate.

The backdrop of conglomerate rock depend on its composition. It can be found in any colour and may be either hard or soft.

Conglomerate tin be used equally a fill material for roads and construction. Hard stone may be cut and polished to make dimension stone.

Conglomerate Uses

Conglomerate has very few uses because of information technology not clean breakage and fine particles are unreliable. Information technology tin can only be used equally a vanquish where low performance material is wanted. Conglomerate has very few commercial uses. Its disability to interruption cleanly makes it a poor candidate for dimension stone, and its variable composition makes it a rock of unreliable physical strength and durability. Conglomerate tin be crushed to make a fine aggregate that tin be used where a low-performance material is suitable. Many conglomerates are colorful and attractive rocks, merely they are only rarely used as an ornamental stone for interior utilize.

Analysis of conglomerate can sometimes be used every bit a prospecting tool. For example, nigh diamond deposits are hosted in kimberlite. If a conglomerate contains clasts of kimberlite, then the source of that kimberlite must be somewhere upstream.

Conglomerate and Breccia

Conglomerates and breccias are two sedimentary rocks close to each other, but differ significantly in the form of clasts. Clasts in the conglomerate are rounded or at least partially rounded, whereas the clast in the breccias take abrupt corners. Sometimes sedimentary rocks comprise a mixture of round and angled buckles. This type of rock can exist called breccio-conglomerate.


  • Conglomerate is closely related to sandstone and displays many of the same types of sedimentary structures. Sandstone is a notably popular building fabric, used for things like flagstones and tile.
  • Conglomerate rocks are colorful and bonny; withal, it is rarely used every bit ornamental stone for interior utilise considering of its unreliable physical strength and durability.
  • Conglomerate has very few commercial uses, though it can be crushed to brand a fine aggregate that can exist used when a depression-functioning material is needed.
  • Conglomerate forms where sediments of rounded clasts at least 2 millimeters in diameter accrue. Because of the big size of the clasts, it takes a very strong h2o current to transport and shape the rocks. As they tumble through the running h2o or moving waves, they form their rounded shape.
  • These rocks tin can be found in sedimentary rock sequences of all ages. They probably make upwards less than i percent by weight of all sedimentary rocks.
  • When the gravel clasts in a conglomerate are separated from each other and incorporate more matrix than clasts, information technology is called a paraconglomerate. When they are in contact with each other, information technology is called a orthoconglomerate.
  • Like sedimentary rocks that are equanimous of large angular clasts are referred to as breccia. While a conglomerate is composed of rounded clasts, breccia is composed of cleaved rocks or minerals.
  • NASA's Mars rover Curiosity discovered an outcrop of conglomerate on the surface of Mars in September 2012. This provided evidence to scientists that a stream once ran across the area where the rover was driving. The shape and sizes of the stones can offering clues to the distance and speed of the stream's flow.


  • Bonewitz, R. (2012). Rocks and minerals. 2nd ed. London: DK Publishing.
  • Helmenstine, Anne Marie, Ph.D. (2018, October 19). Conglomerate Rock: Geology, Composition, Uses. Retrieved from
  • Wikipedia contributors. (2019, March 27). Conglomerate (geology). In Wikipedia, The Gratis Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:34, Apr 10, 2019, from

Is Conglomerate A Metamorphic Rock,


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